Wednesday, February 4

Add These Feeds!

COMM 228-02 (Performance, 1:30) add Eric Zeckman to your newsbrowsers. COMM 228-01 (Performance 12:30) add Tina Andrews to your newsbrowsers.

Convo with a student earlier:
brandi: my friend here is just crazy about will ferrell brandi: haha me: i wish i were more like will ferrell...i want to be the will f. of profs... brandi: so im posting a blog in her honor brandi: haha...then you def wouldnt need an attendence policy
But of course, I do need an attendance policy.

Sorry I've fallen behind people. More posts tomorrow. But I've been getting a huge kick out of reading yours. I bought a new Apple Powerbook today and I spent all evening fondl- uhm, configuring it. With a 17" screen it's the Big Gulp of laptops. It's obscene really. It's the hittin' switches in my Escalade laptop. It's the f__k you I'm get- I mean I'm sitting in my Hummer taking up two spaces laptop. You'll see. I'll bring it to class tomorrow. Can't wait to take it to stauf's coffee shop. This is why girls in their 20's love me....