Tuesday, February 17

This blog name is such a hoot--where do ya'll come up with this stuff?

COMM 101 Assignment for Friday:
Below you will see I have posted a new batch of rhetorical figures. But I'm going to make the assignment easier from now on. I only want you to find two instances of each of your three assigned figures.Again, define each at the top of your group blog, and then find two examples of each in the SoU. I have added a permanent link to Silva Rhetoricae under "stuff" in the side column of my blog.

Kyle Banahan: dehortatio dendrographia deprecatio Jessica Bing: descriptio diacope diaeresis Sam Bortz: dialogismus dialysis dialyton Ethan Branum: dianoea diaphora diaporesis Matt Cammarata: diaskeue diastole diasyrmus Mardea Caulcrick: diazeugma dicaeologia digressio Alex Fant: dilemma, dirimens copulatio, distinctio Pia Ghose: distributio doubtfull (the) ecphonesis Andrea Gomez: ecphrasis ecthlipsis effictio Steve Grosse: elenchus ellipsis emphasis Greg Haar: enallage enantiosis enargia Liz Jackson: encomium energia enigma Brie Jaquette: ennoia enthymeme enumeratio Ram Krishnamoorthy: epanalepsis epanodos epanorthosis Allison Lesnett: epenthesis epergesis epexegesis Sian Martin: epicrisis epilogus epimone Matt Montgomery: epiphonema epiplexis epistrophe Fatima Ogunlana: epitasis epitheton episynaloephe Ivan Orsic: epitrochasmus epitrope epizeugma Christine Pappas: epizeuxis erotema ethopoeia Scott Persing: eucharistia euche eulogia Matt Petersen: euphemismus eustathia eutrepismus Jordan Proefrock: example excitatio exclamatio Nate Schmidt: excursus exergasia exouthenismos Kai Schwertner: expeditio expolitio exuscitatio Dean Scontras: frequentatio geographia gnome Seth Seymour: graecismus hendiadys heterogenium Ben Stapleton: homiologia homoeoprophoron homoeosis Scott Towler: homoioptoton homoioteleuton horismus Kristin Wilkinson: hydrographia hypallage hyperbaton Adam Wolford: hyperbole hypophora hypotyposis

COMM 228 Assignments for Friday:
1) Read pages 7-17 of Radio. That will get you through the section on how to do an interview. Write two blog postings summarizing these pages (one can be your Thursday post, the other your Friday post).
2) If you haven't done so already, make sure that someone from your group posts a description of the topic of your group's radio project on your group blog.

I have placed a permanent link to the group blogs under "peeps" in my links column. Please add your class's group blogs to your news browser. Remember that the Atom feed is the web address of the blog with this on the end: /atom.xml

Group Blogs

COMM 101
Scott, Steve, and Nate's Communication Blog Two Girls and a Guy Adam, Ethan, and Allison Group Blog G.7 Big Tymers S.L.A.P Group 5's blog Comm 101: Group 3 Blog Mission: State of the Union Oops! I Blogged it Again
COMM 228-01
Why have 1 when you can have 2? No attention span Blogg Orgy the secret lives of roller skaters Team Cutter Are we back in high school?? Group Six Blog The Primate House Were all a Little Crazy
COMM 228-02
whistle while you can Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no...oh YEAH! Welcome to Caroline, Alex, and Tom's Blog Three Intelligent Blondes Two and a Half Men Group 8 Whips, Chains, Whistles and Todd Pitt Group Blog Page two beautiful ladies and a desi guy.......... Car RamRod CapShoalSkeetHeez

I've already posted about this once, but I'm going to post about it again since it's so useful. Technorati is a site that will show you who is linking to you and when. If you want to know who in the class (or in all of my classes) is linking to your blog, this site will tell you in a flash. I have added a permanent link to it under the "stuff" heading in my links column at the right.

Okay ya'll, just when I thought I could live down the Sherlock Holmes thing, which I never should have mentioned, I'm getting crap for my shoes. I'm going to start making "J Crew" jokes if this keeps up, so take a long look in the mirror cause North Face jackets and chinos are pretty darn boring, uhm k? Btw, as soon as weather permits I am going to rock some serious footwear. Ladies, I'm too old for you. Gentlemen, watch and learn. Here's a sample:

COMM 228 Recording/Editing Equipment:
Next week I will begin to allow individuals or groups to use the 2 iMacs in my office with Garage Band and Pro Tools on an hourly basis (you may sign up for more than one hour at a time). And I will rent out recording equipment starting this weekend on a 2-3 day basis (2 microphones and 1 mini-CD recorder). Find a slot on my equipment calendar and email me to make reservations on a first-come-first-served basis.
I have placed a permanent link to my "equipment calendar" under the "stuff" heading on the right column of my blog.