Monday, February 23

COMM 228 students: I think we've found some free editing software that you can download.

We tried out our equipment this weekend, but our microphone was not of good enough quality for the recording. We did download a shareware version of "SoundEdit Pro" from the website that Gilbert had on his blog. It looks like a decent program, but I'm not sure if you can combine separate tracks on it. I'll have to look into that more. Keep an eye out for information on our first decent recording.
[two beautiful ladies and a desi guy..........]

Krista I'm glad you received such good news today; know that your family is in my prayers.

Great piece covering several perspectives on the growing importance of blogs:

There's been a massive amount of good stuff on participatory journalism and ancillary subjects lately. This post doesn't even begin to cover it all, but it's a good start. Our faves out of the bunch: Glenn Reynolds on local blogs; Outing on editors getting nervous about blogging reporters; Ross Mayfield on the difference between social networks and online communities.
[Hypergene MediaBlog]

This is very cool, especially the idea of "Walkman Busting."
"A pair of radio shows in two countries are painting urban soundscapes by tapping directly into the headphones of people on the street." By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]

I just found this post, a few days old now, on Zeckman's Page. Yes I noticed the "prospectives" in class, particularly the mom in 228-02. If I had known she was going to be there would I have spent the class guiding a discussion about "which latin drum beat is the best to go along with the electric guitar we have already picked out"? Well, I don't know. That discussion was an important part of learning to use the audio editing software and creating our radio shows, so I would defend it's relevance to COMM 228. But I have in the past changed my plans for a class period because I was warned that we would have visitors and wanted to be politic. Usually profs are given a choice whether they will accept visitors on such days. I have never refused such a request. But I was not informed that last Monday would be a visitation day. Better that I had planned to show the software that day than to have the conversation about words, eh?
Also, Eric Z. weighs in about the style of discourse on many of the blogs. I won't quote his words directly in this post--if you want to take a look his example is hilarious. But I disagree with him. What I like about these blogs is precisely that they are conversational and honest, that they sound like the way we speak and not like a boring term paper. Believe me, I've read plenty of those. Snore. In fact, that's the very reason I like reading Zeckman's Page. It's funny and personal--I can hear a real human voice behind it. And of course he's right about our neighbors to the north.

I'm really curious to hear from Kristin and Kai whether "Dad" made it through the weekend. Let us know.

Allison provides a thoughtful analysis of the U of Colorado situation, and some incisive PR advice, though she makes it clear that the crisis is not fundamentally a PR problem, but a more serious one. See also her reply to my question about the timing of the allegations.
[Allison's Blog]