Wednesday, March 10

COMM 101 & 228 Assignment for Friday (before you leave for Spring Break):
For those of you who haven't yet done so, post on your group blog about what we talked about in the meetings I had with you. I emailed outlines of our meetings to several groups, so include that outline, or some version of it, in your post. Basically I'm looking for clarifications and further specifications of your group's project. When we get back from Spring Break we're going to roll up our sleeves and get to work on these projects, so I want a clear idea of where each group is going.

I enjoyed Carter's "live blog" (as he put it). It's risky to blog your stream of consciousness--Carter goes there fearlessly and it makes for some interesting reading.

As you all know, I cancelled my classes today (due to a chronic health issue). I regret that I could not blog or email this to you, but my internet connection at home is still down, and even Audblog was not working this morning. I called the secretary in the Comm office and told her to put up a notice in the amphitheater. I'll peruse your blogs and try to discover if that message was communicated successfully. More postings to follow....

Greg, Ram, and Sam: take a look at this--might be helpful.
"The music industry cannot file one lawsuit against 200 alleged file swappers, says a federal judge in Philadelphia. Instead, the Recording Industry Association of America will have to sue each individually." By Katie Dean. [Wired News]

Carter writes:
"Gilbie- I find your archiving system annoying. Saving your posts day by day makes it hard to review a half week's worth of content."
[a plugger's perspective]
Sorry ya'll, but I feel like I have to archive everyday so that I can post links to specific parts of this blog after the semester is over. It's a huge database for me, and one that will sit like a great idle beast after this class is over. Only it won't be a useless beast, but one that I will scavenge--better if it's already in pieces.