Monday, May 3

A great idea, except for the censorship:

The US International Broadcasting Bureau (Voice of America, basically), created a proxy service to allow Chinese, Iranians and other oppressed people to circumvent their national firewalls, relaying forbidden pages behind the silicon curtains. However, the IBB decided to kowtow to unknown bluenoses and install a filter that would block foreigners from gaining access to pr0n: to do this, they came up with the bright idea of blocking any URL that contained naughty words. This is a stupid, stupid idea:
IBB's list includes "ass" (which inadvertently bans, "breast" (, "hot" ( and, "pic" ( and "teen" (
Link [Boing Boing Blog]

Here's the requested repost of the final assignment:
Format: Blogpost.
Length: Around 500 words (roughly the equivalent of 2 double-spaced pages with 12pt. font).
Due Date: Friday, May 7, 11:59 PM.
COMM 101 Question: Given your experiences this semester, what advice would you give to someone who wanted to produce a policy (deliberative) speech for presentation before a live audience? You may draw from Silva Rhetoricae, as well as from other sources on the web, and from class notes, but your answer should come mostly from your personal experience co-producing your group's speech this semester. Your post should include four links, including at least one to a classmate's answer to this question.
COMM 228 Question: Given your experiences this semester, what advice would you give to someone who wanted to produce an oral narrative for radio or web? You may draw from Radio: An Illustrated Guide, as well as from sources on the web, but your answer should come mostly from your personal experience co-producing your group's program this semester. Your post should include four links, including at least one to a classmate's answer to this question.

Here's a small clip from the two beautiful ladies and a desi guy..... project, entitled "Favorite Song."
Click to download.
Or get it from my iDisk.

I have now posted a small clip from the whistle while you can project, entitled "Lust."
Click to download.
Or get it from my iDisk.