Friday, July 9

The Illustrated Story of Copyright

From BoingBoing

Alex sez, "The now out of print The Illustrated Story of Copyright is now available online. Unfortunately it's not under any sort of Creative Commons license. The permissions page is here. Personally I find the current online layout a little bit hard to read and confusing, this is the sort of thing that could really be improved if only people were allowed to 'remix' it for better legibility." (I agree)


(Thanks, Alex!)

[Boing Boing Blog]

Krugman Looks at Kerry's Healthcare Plan

A good summary of kerry's healthcare plan. Preview: it reduces premiums on all by covering catasrophic illness costs. Insures millions more children. All in all, a good plan for those of us who are not rich. And the cost? A mere fraction of Bush's tax cuts over ten years.
