Friday, January 30

Due to inclement weather (it's not supposed to break 13 degrees tomorrow) I will not be holding Friday classes (1/30/04). I live in Columbus and tonight there is snow and ice on the roads. The temperature will be too low for salt to melt it off in the morning, and Highway 161 will almost certainly be treacherous. This is a personal decision; Denison is still open tomorrow. This applies to my classes only unless you hear the same from other professors. I will continue to communicate with you through email, IM, and this blog over the weekend. I will probably give you a further assignment due on Monday in addition to the news browser/atom feed assignment.
One more thing: Make sure you familiarize yourself with all the new posts on this blog. You are responsible for knowing everything on it. Check it every day. If you have a question, check here first for the answer. If you still can't find an answer then you may contact me via email or IM.