NYC Protest
Well I decided not to march in the demonstration here today, because I just don't feel up to it, though I do support those who are doing so. And I've decided not to blog about the protests because there's not much for me to add. But I did just have a neat experience. I'm sitting, as I write this, on a bench in Central Park, on the corner of Park Ave. and 75th. St. A group of protesters just walked by and stopped to ask me about my laptop. I explained that I was pinching a wireless internet connection from across the street, and they began to ask me about news of the protest. I went to the NYT online and they circled around my laptop and we read about, well, them. They pointed to the pictures and gave me commentary, and they were very interested in the numbers of protesters (as of now the careful NYT has it only as "hundreds of thousands"). Very cool moment.