Tuesday, February 10

A few words about Monday's classes:
On certain days in class I will conduct free-form discussions like I did yesterday. I appreciate the level of participation in all of my classes--I couldn't have been more pleased. And in my performance classes I particularly want to thank our "models" who allowed us to analyze the style of their clothing. Everyone was a good sport, and I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction and lively discussion.

Check out Wolf's first blog for an interesting take on the sex vs. violence issue. Are Europeans more sensitized to violence because of their more intimate experience with war?

I would enjoy seeing some amazing pictures if someone would fix her links.... ;)

Two related observations about the Janet/Justin fiasco that are right on target:
"Has it occurred to anyone, that it might be more offensive to continually repeat and zoom in on Janet Jackson's 'exposed' breast than it was to have a partial view during the superbowl."[DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?]
"But we(society) have created this monster with the Internet and TIVO; we were able to watch and rewatch this image over and over. Oh wait, then there is the television media, the newspapers, and every talk show aired the next day that made sure we all knew what had happened. CBS was concerned because they had such a large group of people watching their programming, meanwhile millions more people, who did not watch the Super Bowl, have now gotten a chance to see what happened." [stranded in ohio]
Btw, how many of you remember the Starr Report

Fatima asks why Janet is being punished more than Justin (maybach23). Interesting question and one that I admit had not occurred to me. Perhaps the answer is related to the question why there is no pejorative term for guys like "slut."

Many thanks to Eric for allowing me to do a mini-interview with him in class. If you weren't there and you want a small taste, check out Touch Me in The Private Spot. Eric is the perfect interview subject because he's not afraid to tell the truth.

I know it's silly to continue to post about the colors of people's blogs, but fun fun fun reminds me of a watermelon jolly rancher. My mouth waters just looking at this thing.

Check out Blame it on Texas... for a first-class analysis of one of my favorite This American Life episodes. Some of you are shorting me on your episode analyses, so I thought I'd point you to one that makes me very happy.