Wednesday, February 11

COMM 228:
If you haven't blogged about two episodes of This American Life yet then get that done ASAP. If you are having trouble with the Real Player stream, two alternatives are:
1) Download Apple iTunes for Windows and buy a couple of TAL programs ($3.95 each).
2) Go to Audible and buy a couple of TAL programs.

To all of my classes:
Thank you for allowing me the detour through blog discourse, language, social justice, and Gen Y.
COMM 101 students: an understanding of the way terms acquire different meanings is of vital importance to the speech writer.
COMM 228 students: names, like items of clothing, are markers of status, ethnicity, social location, and identity (good stuff for episode topics). They are also part of the equipment we use to "perform" our own identity.
I was very happy with all of the good thinking you guys did and with the way we covered a full spectrum of positions. I learned from the experience. I suspect that over the next couple of days many of you will choose to blog about today's discussion. I encourage you to challenge yourselves and challenge the rest of us. If anyone finds any posts offensive, and you are not willing to offer a retort on your own blog, then let me reiterate that you should simply delete that person's newsfeed from your newsbrowser. My hope is that those of you who choose to blog on these issues can carry on a civil and vigorous dialogue, as we did in class. As always, I will refrain from censoring anything within reason.

COMM 101: For class Friday.
First, make sure that you see my assignment of new figures in an earlier post. By Friday, everyone should have found six rhetorical figures throughout the SoU (the three due today [Wednesday] plus three new ones).
Also, print a copy of your group blog (or at least make some written notes about it) and bring that in on Friday so we can talk about what figures you found in the SoU.
Finally, be thinking about a topic for your group's deliverative speech. It must be a topic of national political significance; for example, P2P file sharing, gay marriage, health care, domestic security, etc. Pick a general topic and we'll begin to narrow it down in class.