Thursday, April 22

COMM 228:
To expedite things, before you show up to use my office iMac or to take home my loaner iMac you should bring me a CD with your interviews on it. That way when you show up for the iMac I will have your interviews preloaded into Garage Band. The ideal thing to do here is to tape the CD to my office door with cellophane tape at least a day before we have a scheduled meeting. If you can't put your interview onto a CD, email me ahead of time and let me know what you'll be bringing it in on (digital dictaphone, DAT, laptop, etc.).
Starting next week, I will have a microphone attached to my office iMac so when you come in to work on it you can record your narration (helpful for those of you who do not have a recorder at your disposal).
If you want to take the loaner iMac home with you, you should sign up soon. Check my calendar. It's almost booked up!

Like Ivan, I am excited about the prospect of Google's new free email service. But beware, there are dire privacy issues involved:

When I signed into Blogger today, I saw an unfamiliar icon which was promoting google's gmail. It is currently in its testing phase and I was glad to sign up and I felt special to help them with their product testing. email me at[DeLaWho? DeLaWhat? DeLaWhere?]
From CNET:
A California Democrat blasts Google's free e-mail service as an invasion of privacy and "a direct marketing opportunity" for the company. [CNET]
Also, check out this brief from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Due Date: Monday, May 10, 3:00 PM.
Format: Digital audio file (MP3, WAV, AIFF, AVI, or AAC submitted on CD, portable HD, or my iDisk.
I will be in my office at 3:00 PM to accept CD and HD submissions.

Here's a good question, which points out an ambiguity in my final test (blog-post) assignment:

So...I just read about our final. Sounds like an interesting paper will result. I'm already thinking about which four links I want to include in my response, but then I came to a problem. If we are suppose to include a link to the response from someone in our class, then how is the first response paper ever going to be created? [Communications 101]
Here's the solution: Make your final post in two parts. Post the bulk of it; then wait and read other posts; then add that last link.